I go again writing yesterday about the "set
your dj skills", read before). This is the second part. well, just below an important part to enhance the skills of your
dj techniques. Read carefully because the
dj tips below is the advice of experienced djs. I just took the summary.
Developing Your Personal Style
Some new DJs attempt to emulate their favorite DJs when they start to play. It is only natural that you will initially be drawn to the
same tracks as the DJs that helped you make the decision to become a DJ. Some new DJs even try to replicate exact sets performed by their favorite DJs. Having a DJ to mimic can be very useful at first. The amount and variety of music available can be overwhelming, and following the tastes of your favorite
DJs can help narrow the field of music and give you a framework within which to spin.
However, as soon as possible, it’s important to let your own style shine through. Be sure to keep your mind open to labels, tracks, and artists NOT spun by your favorite DJs. Simply listen to a few new records
each time you go to record shop, and if something catches your ear, buy it. Over time, those tracks that you alone choose will shape your
personal style. In general, people will be far more interested in hearing your personal style than hearing a set they heard previously spun by your
favorite DJ.
Planned Sets versus “On the Fly”